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Industrial Law
Industrial Lawis the branch of Lawthat deals with legal aspects of three different but inter-related set of entities - Industries, Labor and Governmental agencies.
Governments across the world have been promoting setting up of industries but at the same time are controlling them actively. They always have given importance to Labor-welfare and needless to say, many laws are brought to mitigate, address and solve industry-labor disputes in the most amicable manner. At the same time, erring industries are always punished.
Modern Industrial Jurisprudence changed the concept of master-servant. Under the modern sense, one who invests capital is no more than a master and one who puts in labour is no more a servant.
Contents[ hide]
1 Types of laws related that fall under Industrial Law
2 Topics on International Law
3 Indian Acts related to Industrial Law
3.1 Indian Industrial Law News & Trends
4 USA Acts related to Industrial Law
5 Kenyan Acts related to Industrial Law
6 Pakistani Acts related to Industrial Law
7 Bangladeshi Acts & Rules related to Industrial Law
8 Malaysian Industrial Law
Types of laws related that fall under Industrial Law
*.Laws related to Industrial Relations
*.Laws related to Wages
*.Laws related to Working Hours, Conditions of Services and Employment
*.Laws related to Equality and Empowerment of Women
*.Laws related to Deprived and Disadvantaged Sections of the Society
*.Laws related to Social Security
*.Laws related to Labour Welfare
*.Laws related to Employment & Training
*.Other Laws
Topics on International Law
*. Industrial Tribunal
Indian Acts related to Industrial Law
*. Minimum Wages Act, 1948fixes minimum rates of wages in certain employments
*. Payment of Wages Act, 1936
*. Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972
*. Payment of Bonus Act, 1965
*. Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act, 1976
*. Employee's State Insurance Act, 1948
*. Employee's Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952
*. Equal Remuneration Act, 1976
*. Unorganized Sector Workers' Social Security Act, 2008
*. Industrial Disputes Act, 1947
*. Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946
*.Trade Unions Act, 1926
*.Workmen's Compensation Act, 1923
*. Factories Act, 1948
*.Industries (Development and Regulation) Act, 1951
*.Apprentices Act, 1961
*.Collection of Statistics Act, 1953
*. Maternity Benefit Act, 1961
*.Child Labor (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986
*. Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970
*. Mines Act, 1952
*.Labour Laws (Exemption from furnishing returns and maintenance registers by certain establishments) Act, 1988
*.Minimum Wages (Central Advisory Board) Rules, 2011
*.Prevention of Bribery of Foreign Public Officials and Officials of Public International Organisations Bill, 2011
*.Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority Bill, 2011
*.Central Secretariat Service Assistants Grade (Limited Departmental Competitive Examination) Regulations, 2011
*.Labour Laws (Exemption from Furnishing Returns and Maintaining Registers by certain Establishments) Amendment Bill, 2011
*.Apprenticeship (Amendment) Rules, 2011
*.Eradication of Unemployment amongst the Youth Belonging to the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes Bill, 2010
*.Banana Growers (Protection and Welfare) Bill, 2010
*.Coffee Growers Welfare Bill, 2010
*.Closed Textile Mills Workers (Welfare and Rehabilitation) Bill, 2010
*.Bureau of Accountability Bill, 2010
*.Agricultural Workers Welfare Bill, 2010
*.Distressed Farmers (Special Facilities, Protection and Welfare) Bill, 2010
*.Public Employment (Recruitment) Bill, 2011
*.Sugarcane Growers (Remunerative Price and Welfare) Bill, 2010
*.Indian Economic Service (Amendment) Rules, 2011
*.Central Civil Services (Extraordinary Pension) Amendment Rules, 2011
*.Karnataka Labour Welfare Fund (Amendment) Act, 2010
*.Karnataka Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) (Amendment) Rules, 2011
*.Indian Police Service (Pay) Amendment Rules, 2011
*.Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (Limitation of Functions) (Nineteenth Amendment) Regulations, 2011
*.All India Services (Performance Appraisal Report) Amendments Rules, 2010
*.Employees State Insurance (General) (Amendment) Regulations, 2010
*.Payment of Wages and Minimum Wages (Maharashtra Amendment) Act, 2010
*.Protection of Women against Sexual Harassment at Workplace Bill, 2010
Indian Industrial Law News & Trends
*.August 20, 2013: Violation of ESI Act
*.December 19, 2012: PF Cases Awaiting Settlement
*.December 19, 2012: Labour Laws Applicable to Casual and Self Employed Work Force
*.December 5, 2012: Amendment of Minimum Wages Act
*.August 29, 2012: Violation of Labour Laws for Contract Labours
USA Acts related to Industrial Law
*. American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
*. United States Civil Service Reform Act of 1978
*.Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
*.Immigration and Nationality Act (INA)
*.Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act
*.Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act (LHWCA)
*.Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act (EEOICPA)
*.Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (RECA)
*.Federal Employees' Compensation Act (FECA)
*.Black Lung Benefits Act (BLBA)
*.Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA)
*.Comprehensive Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (COBRA)
*.Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
*.Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (LMRDA) of 1959
*.Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act
*.Employee Polygraph Protection Act
*.Consumer Credit Protection Act (CPCA)
*.Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
*.Davis-Bacon Act
*.McNamara-O'Hara Service Contract Act
*.Walsh-Healey Public Contracts Act
*.Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act (MSPA)
*.Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977
*.Copeland Act
*.Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act (WARN)
Kenyan Acts related to Industrial Law
*. Labour Relations Act, Chapter 234
*. Employment Act, 2007
*. Industrial Court Act, 2011(No 20 of 2011)
*. Industrial Training (Amendment) Act, 2011(No 34 of 2011)
*. National Gender and Equality Commission Act, 2011(No 15 of 2011)
*. Salaries and Remuneration Commission Act, 2011(No 10 of 2011)
Pakistani Acts related to Industrial Law
*.Foreign Private Investment (Promotion & Protection) Act, 1976
*.General Statistics Act, 1975
*.Land Acquisition Act, 1984
*. Partnership Act, 1932
*. Societies Registration Act, 1860
*.Indian Boilers Act, 1923
*.Industrial Statistics Act, 1942
*.Price Control and Prevention of Profiteering and Hoarding Act, 1977
Bangladeshi Acts & Rules related to Industrial Law
*. Bangladesh Boilers Act, 1923
*.Bangladesh Boilers Rules, 1923 (Amendment in 1990)
*.Ship Breaking and Ship Recycling Rules, 2011
*.Geographical Indication Act, 2011 (Draft)
*.Merchandise Marks Act–1889
*.Patents and Designs Act, 1911 (Amendment 2003)
*.State Aid to Industries – 1931
*.Patent and Designs Rules, 1933
*.Sugar Cane Act, 1934
*.Trade Marks Act, 1940 (Repealed) (Amendments in 2003 & New Law in 2009)
*.Industrial Statistics Act, 1942
*.Excise and Salt Act, 1944
*.Development of Industries (Government Control) Act 1949
*.Boilers Attendants’ Rules, 1953
*.East Pakistan Gur, Sugar and Sugar Products (Manufacture and Movements) Control order, 1956
*.Bangladesh Small and Cottage Industries Corporation Act, 1957
*.Sugar (Road Development Cess) Ordinance, 1960
*.East Pakistan Government Education and Training Institutions Ordinance, 1961 (Amendment in 1979)
*.East Pakistan Boilers Rules, 1961
*.Bangladesh Institution Management Ordinance, 1961
*.Industrial Development Corporation Ordinance, 1962
*.Revised Trade Marks Rules, 1963
*.Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices (Control and Prevention) Ordinance, 1970
*.Bangladesh (Taking Over of Control and Management of Industrial and Commercial Concerns) Order, 1972
*.Bangladesh Industrial Enterprises (Nationalization) Order, 1972
*.Trade Marks (Invalidation and Summary Registration) Order, 1972
*.Industrial Development Corporations Order, 1972
*.Foreign Private Investment (Promotion and Protection) Act, 1980
*.Export Processing Zones Authority Act, 1980
*.Standard of weights and Measures Ordinance, 1982 (Amendment Act, 2001)
*.Bangladesh Sugar and Food Industries Corporation Recruitment Rule, 1985
*.Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution Ordinance, 1985 (Amendments in 1988 & 2003)
*.Bangladesh Steel and Engineering Corporation Recruitment Rule, 1985
*.Bangladesh Sugar and Food Industries Corporation Recruitment Rules, 1985
*.Bangladesh Steel and Engineering Corporation, 1985
*.Public Corporations (Management Co-ordination) Ordinance, 1986
*.Bangladesh Chemical Industries Corporation Recruitment Rules, 1989
Malaysian Industrial Law
*.National Institute for Scientific and Industrial Research (Incorporation) Act 1971 ( Repealed by Act 157 )
Akta (Perbadanan) Institut Negara bagi Penyelidikan Sains dan Perusahaan 1971 ( Dimansuhkan oleh Akta 157 )
*.Rubber Industry Smallholders Development Authority Act 1972
Akta Pihak Berkuasa Kemajuan Pekebun Kecil Perusahaan Getah 1972
*.Malaysian Timber Industry Board (Incorporation) Act 1973
Akta Lembaga Perindustrian Kayu Malaysia (Perbadanan) 1973, Jadual
*.Securities Industry Act 1973 ( Repealed by Act 280 )
Akta Perusahaan Sekuriti 1973 ( Dimansuhkan oleh Akta 280 )
*.Industrial Co-ordination Act 1975
Akta Penyelarasan Perindustrian 1975
*.Industrial Relations Act 1967 (Revised 1976)
Akta Perhubungan Perusahaan 1967
*.Industrial Co-ordination Act 1975
Akta Penyelarasan Perindustrian 1975
*.Wood-based Industries (State Legislatures Competency) Act 1984
Akta Industri Berasas Kayu (Kekuasaan Badan Perundangan Negeri) 1984
*.Malaysian Industrial Development Authority (Incorporation) Act 1965 (Revised 1989)
Akta Lembaga Kemajuan Perindustrian Malaysia (Pemerbadanan) 1965
*.Pineapple Industry Act 1957 (Revised 1990)
Akta Perindustrian Nanas 1957
*.Lembaga Pembangunan Industri Pembinaan Malaysia Act 1994
Akta Lembaga Pembangunan Industri Pembinaan Malaysia 1994
*.Small and Medium Industries Development Corporation Act 1995
Akta Perbadanan Pembangunan Industri Kecil dan Sederhana 1995
*.Water Services Industry Act 2006
Akta Industri Perkhidmatan Air 2006
*.Malaysian Biofuel Industry Act 2007
Akta Industri Biobahan Api Malaysia 2007
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